Monday, April 6, 2009

At School

At school I play in the band and i play the clarinet i am in drama and i am in chorus.  Most of my teacher are all nice


  1. i'm in drama and i also play the clarinet! (my ear still hurts from that time.) jk. i forgive you.

  2. Well, I do any of that stff. So I'm special =D.

  3. don't* stuff* (I know how to spell)

  4. i dont play in band but i am in chorus and drama. im also a library aide, on math and debate team, i skied (alpine and nordic) in the winter and i am just starting TRACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. well i'm so totally special 'cause i play the cornet!!!!!! and am only the 3rd cornet player mrs. Barry has EVER taught!!!!! 3rd times the charm i guess. =D

  6. great you can post what you want. how about you post some real stories, or something other than "I WILL POST WAT I WANT" because you can obviously post what you want.

  7. This is my blog you can post wat you want on ur blog
